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The Best AR-15 Caliber for the Job

One of the best things about the AR-15 platform is how versatile it is. There are seemingly endless calibers, lengths, twists, grains, and loads that an AR owner can cycle between, depending on the situation. And while being spoiled for choice is generally good, it can result in a little bit of choice-paralysis. So while the following certainly isn’t comprehensive, it’s a basic overview of AR-15 caliber variants that are successful, or at least preferred, for different undertakings.


Target Shooting and Plinking

As most readers are probably aware, the most common caliber in which AR-15 rifles are chambered is the .223 Remington. It’s the civilian cousin to the 5.56 NATO round that has served western military units so well for so long. As such, of the AR-15 calibers, .223 ammo is among the least expensive and most commonly available—with decades of proven ability as a long, straight, flat shooter. So, if you’re interested in a rifle in the AR family for shooting at the range or plinking outdoors, the old standby .223 Remington is your best option.

Varmint and Small Game Hunting

One of the first uses for which the .223 Remington gained widespread fame and acclaim was (and still is) the hunting of varmints and small game. As mentioned, it’s a straight, flat, predictable shooter without a lot of recoil that’s easy to shoot. The bullet itself is also relatively small, meaning that small game taken with one isn’t obliterated. If you’re a target shooter or a varmint/small game hunter, invest in some bulk .223 ammo.

Since the emergence of the AR-15 platform, however, there’s been a world of tinkering with shells, bullets, propellant, and ballistics in general. Out of this tinkering was born the .224 Valkyrie. It features a heavier bullet than the .223 Remington, which accounts for longer-straighter, steadier flight, with less drop or wind-interference than its predecessor.

Medium Game Hunting and Home Defense

For the hunting of medium-sized game at short-to-mid-range, the hunting world is largely speaking in a single voice in favor of the .300 AAC Blackout. It provides more punch than the .223 Remington and is a subsonic round, making it perfect for suppressing. Those same features also make it the optimal AR-15 caliber for home defense. Since all home defense is going to virtually always involve short-to-mid-range combat, and suppressing it can save your hearing indoors, it’s a great choice to keep the family safe without as much risk of over-penetration (or hearing damage).

Big Game Hunting

The AR-15 platform has also proved a coup for the hunting of big game. So much so, that there are actually rounds that are optimal for taking big game at short-to-medium-range, and at long range. For short-to-mid-range, opt for the godfather of so many hunting cartridges: the .308 Winchester. It’s been one of the premier hunting rounds since the end of the second world war for good reason: it’s a near-perfect hunting round that travels beautifully and yields clean knock-down. While you might have to be a professional distance-shooter to tell the difference, the 6.5 Creedmoor has a slight edge over the .308 Winchester. Although either will do the trick.

About Ammunition Depot

Ammunition Depot is widely considered the best place to buy ammunition, shooting accessories, gear, and now guns, online. Whether you have a firearm and are looking for ammo to feed it, or are in the market for a gun and its ammo, Ammunition Depot can accommodate you. From 6.5 Creedmoor to 1,000 rounds of high-quality .22 LR, bulk .223 5.56 ammo, 9mm ammo, .223 ammo for sale, and a whole lot more, it’s in stock at Ammunition Depot. The folks at Ammunition Depot pride themselves on being passionate about and supporting shooting rights, firearms, our Constitutionally-guaranteed freedoms, and giving back to those who could use a hand. They’re proud to donate to charities for the troops and law enforcement, to support shooting sports, and to promote employment opportunities in their home state of Florida, with an emphasis on hiring vets.

Discover super-prompt shipping of the arms and ammunition you need for hunting, personal defense, or just fun at the range, at Ammunitiondepot.com


Original Source: https://goo.gl/fNJvYH